Saturday, November 21, 2009

Food for the Holidays

Almost all holiday traditions feature food. Most traditional holiday fare involves lengthy and elaborate planning and preparation. Shenandoah Vineyards would like to suggest a more feasible tradition; a fancy snack combining gourmet foods and wine. This would be a small meal, on the order of an appetizer so rich in flavor and ceremony it becomes the central focus.

The French have amuse-gueule, the Spanish have tapas. At Shenandoah Vineyards a couple or small group might choose a soft cheese or smoked salmon to spread on a gourmet cracker, and pair it with a bottle of wine. The preparation is simple and quick, the taste and experience are intense and enriching. The photograph shows some of the ingredients we offer. We invite you to sample our wine, food and ideas over the holiday season.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Shenandoah Uncorked Pleases Crowd

The weather cleared, the crowds gathered, the smell of coffee and doughnuts was in the air and the first Shenandoah Uncorked festival began.  Sam and Stacia are pictured at the Shenandoah Vineyards booth at The Yellow Barn just prior to the festival opening.

The large cask behind them was salvaged from the vineyard and reconditioned into a display for wines made in Shenandoah County. The purple sign was something we dug out of the tractor shed. Attics, cellars, sheds and small towns hold within their confines the most wondrous of treasures. Judging by the large turnout and good sales, the crowd was pleased by the festival. We all hope for continued success into the future

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Shenandoah Uncorked - Nov. 14, 2009

Shenandoah Vineyards is proud to be among the five Shenandoah County wineries and other local businesses at Shenandoah Uncorked. A family oriented event, Shenandoah Uncorked will showcase local businesses whose job it is to make and keep Shenandoah County a great place to live and work. The event will take place at The Yellow Barn, pictured above, at Shenandoah Caverns on Saturday, November 14, 2009.

Among the important businesses located in Shenandoah County, local wineries are recognized as the attractive and public face of agriculture. Agritourism allows the public to see where the food they buy at the grocers comes from, and have fun doing it. In regions where grape growing is viable, places like Europe, California and right here in Virginia, wineries have been the centerpiece in the development and promotion of agritourism.

Shenandoah County is home to some of the oldest, and newest operating wineries in the state. Join us for a day of live music, food, refreshments and activities for the whole family. Regular admission is $5. $10 includes wine glass and tasting. Ages 12 and under get in free. For directions and additional information see:
Shenandoah Uncorked

For a list of activities and attractions see:
Yellow Barn website

Thursday, November 5, 2009

2009 Autumn Foliage Watch - Final Chapter

This will likely be the last post about the 2009 Autumn Foliage. The region has experienced several frosty mornings. Foliage has progressed toward warm browns, still beautiful but lacking the vibrancy of firery yellows, reds and oranges. Above photo shows a corner of the front vineyard where vines still maintain foliage showing nice color. The tall trees to the left are Catalpa, bravely clinging to some leaves. Nature is a warm ember cooling toward winter. Photos will continue to be posted, probably showing indoor activities, or winterscapes if they merit attention.