On the eve of our Harvest Festival, planning and preparations are largely complete and everything is ready to go. Everybody has worked hard and hopes are high the event will be successful. Most importantly, the weather looks cooperative, if not outstanding. Vendors and guests have already begun to arrive.
In addition to our regular band, Nodrama, we will have another musician performing in the Cellar Lounge. Ken Stone will provide solo guitar music when Nodrama is not performing. This arrangement should provide live music throughout most of the festival. The Lounge is a performance space we've opened in the cellar. It's still a little rough, but with practice it should become perfect. This space will also be used for seminars and as a gathering spot for conducting tours of the winery. (We are calling this "The Cellar Door" in honor of the famous but defunct D.C. nightclub.)
Of course we will have wine, cold and by the bottle and glass. Food and refreshments will be served. We will have horses and llamas, door prizes, popcorn and snow cones. The t-shirts feature the 30th Annual Harvest Festival logo. Vendors will have all kinds of crafty sorts of things. So, come on out and make it happen. The recovery has started, see and feel it in Shenandoah Valley.
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