The sales tent and supplies were delivered and set up Saturday morning. Traffic was backed up in town, and vendors were open for business. Although our space was among the most beautiful in Edinburg, we realized visibility was a problem. The patio where we were located was behind a tall flood wall and behind a long row of vendors.
Unable to erect a very tall banner, few people could find us. It should be emphasized we loved the space. In the future we will have to plan appropriate signage to make our presence known. These pictures of the mill and patio were taken the week following the festival, so the activities of the previous weekend depend on imagination.

This is a view of the Edinburg Mill from the corner of the front parking lot. Stoney Creek is directly behind the camera. As with all waterways, Stoney Creek rarely but occasionally overflows its banks so a substantial and impressive flood wall was incorporated into the latest renovation of the Mill. The flood wall is the tan-orange structure capped with a row of glass or Plexiglas panels. A flood gate is visible at the left end of the wall. We were located in the patio area directly behind the corner of the wall visible in the photograph.

This is the patio area where we were located. The inside-corner of the wall corresponds to the outside-corner seen in the first photo. During the festival, large picnic tables w/shade umbrellas were placed around the patio. Civil War lectures were given in this space during the festival; the wall also dampens outside noise making for a quiet area for lectures, discussions and meetings in general.
The Edinburg Mill offered a limited opening of its museum during the festival. There is still extensive construction going on within the building. The grand opening is scheduled for spring, 2010. The patio space is open for public viewing. Donors to Mill reconstruction have their names etched into patio stone. And, of course you can feed the geese in Stoney Creek.