Friday, March 5, 2010

Wine and Cheese Weekends in March

Rumor has it winter relinquishes its cold grip and spring renews hope for warmth in the world. Supposedly, this happens sometime in March. The prospect of warmer weather intrigues us, and we encourage everyone to make spring a reality. For our part we offer wine and cheese pairings every weekend in the month of March. Wine & Cheese Weekends is our springtime ritual to get our customers to stretch their legs and get the blood moving again.

For $8 each customer gets a souvenir glass to taste the full variety of Shenandoah Vineyards wine, and pair these with gourmet dips and cheeses. Our sales staff will help guide you to make pairings that are memorable and delicious. Please join us in developing warm weather habits for the coming season. Of course in addition to our Wine & Cheese Weekends feature we continue to provide free tours and tasting as always.

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